Přehrát celé album
vyberte skladbu k přehrání 1. Draw on ſweet night 2. Weepe O mine eies 3. Adew ſweet Amaryllis 4. Sweet hony-ſucking Bees 5. Thou art but yong 6. Cruell, behold 7. I liue, and yet me thinks 8. I loue, alas, yet am not loued 9. Oft have I uowede 10. Downe in a ualley 11. When ſhall my wretched life 12. O what ſhall I doe? 13. Loue not me 14. Happy, o happy he 15. There where I ſaw 16. Lady, your words doe ſpite me 17. O Wretched man 18. Yee reſtleſſe thoughts 19. Lady when I behold 20. Thus ſaith my Cloris bright 21. Weep, weep, mine eyes 22. Flora gave me faireſt flowers 23. All pleaſure is of this condition 24. Of ioys and pleaſing pains 25. Where moſt my thoughts